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Great Urban Places Support Great Transit Infrastructure

想想你最后一次乘坐公共交通工具,以及你是如何体验交通工具周围的地方和空间的. Did you feel relaxed and energized? Or anxious and unsafe? Were you in a hurry? Or quite simply, did you find a place to grab a mocha?



July 15, 2020
AG平台是第一段3公里长的初步设计的主要顾问. 3 Road Corridor in Richmond, BC.

Great spaces support transit infrastructure.

充满活力的公共空间需要整合并嵌入到交通基础设施设计中. 这些空间说明了交通和社区环境颗粒整合的重要性——它们是关键结缔组织的一部分, supporting the high priority that transit users, pedestrians and their communities truly deserve. 对这些空间的投资回报了社区,证明了人们, and their spaces, matter.

Great spaces support transit infrastructure investment.

在交通基础设施周围创建城市场所是支持交通系统成功的关键因素之一. 这些空间和场所围绕并连接着交通,同时支撑着现代交通系统的重大公共投资. 它们是城市建设连续体中以交通为导向的发展(TOD)和其他可持续增长战略的重要支柱. 随着高质量(和昂贵)的交通基础设施的引入, 有一种期待是兴奋的加剧, 新的发展和社区投资将紧随其后.

AG平台为梅森走廊提供了广泛的服务, a 5-mile BRT connecting riders in Fort Collins, CO, including the design of all 12 BRT stations.
IBI Group provided placemaking, architecture and engineering services, and more, to the West Harbour GO Station in Hamilton, ON.

Great spaces support connectivity.

围绕交通基础设施的城市环境和体验需要定制, multilayered, 精心编织的织物-一个高品质和功能性的城市空间,有地方坐, to move and to meet. 当通过行人和公共交通用户的镜头观看时, these places and spaces need to contribute to safe, 多样而愉快的经历——这让我们感到舒适, stimulated and connected to our communities. 支持这种体验的层次包括绿化和景观, textured paving materials, comfortable seating, climate comfort strategies, pedestrian-oriented lighting, wayfinding, accessibility efforts, outstanding architecture and engaging public art. 这种连通性从交通设施延伸到周围社区,通过仔细整合互补的商业和土地使用.

Great spaces support thriving communities.

支持性和充满活力的土地用途形成并扩展了这些空间的边缘,为人们参与和进入提供了开放的邀请, which is critical to long-term success. 这些土地利用使商业空间充满活力和活力,使周围社区充满活力和活力. 这些土地用途和业务需要允许发展,但需要通过深思熟虑的设计和整合策略为它们创造条件.

AG平台与项目工程师和城市利益相关者合作,研究和重新设计了康科德历史悠久的主街, NH.

方便的咖啡吧满足了我们对咖啡因和快速交谈的渴望, the public art that makes us think or smile, and the nourishment of our senses with a wealth of colours, textures and contrasts.

catherine Chopko Beck的专业领域包括景观和城市设计, land use planning, socio-economic analysis/market research, site planning, recreation and tourism planning, policy development and environmental planning.

Headshot of Cathryn Chopko-Beck

Written by Cathryn Chopko-Beck

Director | Sr. Practice Lead, Urban Design / Planning
Edmonton, AB
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